Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Publication update

Andrew Syor’s first book, Triptychs: A ‘Nam Marine’s Now and Then, is scheduled for release, Fall 2011, by MilSpeak Books. Triptychs, a study in stretch-haiku, flash memoir, and abstract photography, takes the reader on a narrow road to the interior of a Vietnam Veteran’s assimilation of his wartime experience. Henry Avignon’s abstract gestural photographs heighten the reading experience while setting each “panel” in the triptych form, similar to medieval altarpieces. Now, in the 21st century, each panel is composed of poetry, prose and photographs presented in electronic book format. The stretch-haiku pane, a new meditation in the ancient tradition of linked verse and haiku, represents Andrew’s reflective now. The flash memoir pane represents Andrew’s Vietnam War combat past. Each photograph created by military family member Henry represents the binder between poetry and prose, the thread that binds then and now to the present, the eternal and the transient, and all that stands between those who served and those who watched from home.